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Advantages of Dental Implant Retained Dentures

Dental implant

If you happen to belong to the category of people who suffer from chronic tooth ache, broken tooth or any other dental problem, chances are that you will ultimately have to turn towards dental implants to find a permanent and convenient solution to a nagging problem. Traditional methods of dental treatment focused more on removable dentures that could be taken on and off as required. But they suffered from several drawbacks including the danger of falling out and causing embarrassment and loss of face in case you happen to be among people. It is because of these and other reasons that dentists now recommend permanent retained dentures instead of removable ones.

Dental implants with retained dentures, unlike other temporary or removable dentures are far more effective as they provide permanent, long lasting and durable tooth replacement. Dental implants are considered more effective than other treatments as they not only restore full functionality but will also bring back the natural aesthetic beauty of your face. Missing teeth very often cause the jaw and cheeks to sink in making your face appear aged and hollow. Also loss of one or more teeth may impair speech and ability to chew solid food. But with dental implant retained dentures, your face will regain its youth and functionality. Dental implants represent an advancement of traditional methods of tooth replacement and enjoy a much higher success rate.

In spite of the obvious advantages of getting dental implant retained dentures fitted, not many people know about the treatment and its advantages. How much Dental implant does retained Denture cost is the most obvious question that is asked whenever the treatment is recommended by the dentist. Many people choose not to opt for dental implant treatment and choose instead to go with other temporary solutions because of the high perceived cost of the treatment. There is no doubt about the fact that implant retained dentures can prove to be more than twice as expensive compared to conventional teeth replacement treatments. This is mostly because the process of replacing broken or infected tooth with artificial dentures that look and feel like real tooth is highly complex and requires a smooth blend of technology with skill.

To your question on how much does Dental implant retained Denture cost in Crossville, TN? While the cost could vary anywhere between $6000 to 12000, the actual cost of dental implant retained dentures will vary from person to person. The actual cost of getting implant retained dentures will vary depending on the nature of treatment requires, number of dentures required as well as the type of dentures required.

Dental implants are however not an automatic solution for all kinds of problems related to diseased or infected tooth, even if you are willing to pay the cost. Implant retained dentures are only recommended if you have:

Good bone density: Your tooth need bones for support and if there is not enough bone density left in the jaw the dental implant retained denture treatment might not be successful. This is because the retained dentures will need the support of the jaw bone to fit in tightly into the mouth. Even the quality of the bone matters since implant retained dentures have the highest chances of succeeding if there is sufficient quantity of high quality bone in the jaw.

Good oral health: Although dental implants enjoy a fairly high success rate, they can only be implemented successfully if the patients enjoys reasonably good oral health. This means the patient’s teeth and gums should be free from any kind of infection, decay or disease. In cases where the patient suffers from oral decay or gum issues, the dentist will first need to restore the teeth and gums to good health before proceeding with dental implant treatment.

While the cost of getting dental implant retained denture treatment might appear exorbitant compared to standard dental treatment, the long term advantages of the treatment far outweigh the cost. This is by far the most effective long term solution if you are looking to replace a number of teeth in both the lower and upper jaw. The advantages of getting implant retained dentures are many, implant retained dentures are secured to the jawbone using titanium screws which means that there is absolutely no danger of the teeth falling out in a public place and causing you embarrassment. With the implant retained dentures securely placed in your jaw, you can smile, laugh, eat and chat with people without having to worry about falling or loose tooth.

The best part about implant retained dentures and what makes them well worth the cost is that they look and feel just like natural teeth. They also function much the same like natural teeth and unlike traditional dentures, help bones around the tissue to rejuvenate thereby helping restore your youth and functionality as before.

Cumberland Dentistry offers tailored dental implant treatment with its skilled and experienced team of dental hygienist who provides personalized approach to diagnose teeth with educating the patients on the Does and Don’ts for routine self-care initiatives to get a healthy oral life. To serve our patients better, we also provide cosmetic and family dentistry at the Monterey dental center. To know about our dental implant treatment, visit, Connect with us @ 250-4329 to solve your queries or to get an appointment

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