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10 Easy Healing Tips after Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal

You may be recommended to undergo wisdom teethremoval for any number of reasons; it might be in response to an existing dental problem or as a prevention measure against future issues. Wisdom teethremoval is generally recommended in cases such as:

  • The jawbone is comparatively smaller which causes overcrowding and the wisdom teeth is unable to find sufficient place to break through and emerge from the gums.
  • Sometime the wisdom teeth break out from the gums only half way leading the gum tissue flap to grow over the teeth. This may cause infection and swelling due to food and germs trapped under the flap.
  • Overcrowding can cause the wisdom teeth to get impacted which can also be the cause of infection, cyst or damage to other teeth.
  • The wisdom teeth comes out crooked or tilted it can cause problems in the mouth.

Your dentist can perform the wisdom teethremoval in his or her office itself. After the surgery the dentist will recommend that you go home and take some rest. The procedure is very simple and not likely to cause you much pain since a local anesthetic is administered to numb the area around the teeth to be extracted. Some dentists might choose to administer a general anesthetic instead which will ensure that you sleep throughout the procedure.

Wisdom teethremoval is a fairly common procedure with millions of extractions being performed every year by dentists the world over. While the procedure itself is painless due to the effect of anesthesia, post-surgery recovery generally involves pain, discomfort, bleeding and swelling. Post-surgery care is very important when it comes to recovering from wisdom teethremoval procedure, proper care can ensure a speedy and safe recovery. Neglecting oral hygiene and failing to give the body and mouth time to recover from the procedure can lead to dry socket syndrome, a very common though easily preventable dental complication. Dry socket can result when the blood clot formed as a result of the surgery either dissolves or is dislodged from its position within the socket, causing the bone and nerve underneath to be exposed. This causes not only the pain in the mouth to intensify, but can also be the cause of infection, bad breath and failure to eat or swallow anything due to swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck.

A few simple care tips can help you heal quicker and experience very little discomfort while you recover post wisdom teethremoval procedure.

  • Stick to a liquid diet. It is better to stick to a liquid diet for the first couple of days after surgery and then slowly and gradually add solids starting with softer solids first. Avoid spicy food and don’t try to have hot food for the first couple of days.
  • Keep your head elevated on the pillow as lying flat on the bed may not be useful in stopping the bleeding. An elevated position of the head will help to stop the bleeding much faster.
  • Use an ice pack to bring down the swelling. Apply an ice pack outside your cheek area for 15-20 minutes at a time every couple of hours for at least the first 24 hours after surgery. After the first 24 hours are over, you can switch to a warm moist washcloth to help the pain and swelling subside.
  • Take ample rest. Avoid exercising for atleast the first 24 hours after surgery. Your body needs time to recover from the trauma and engaging in physical activity may also cause the bleeding to resume. Take plenty of rest for the first couple of days to help the body recover and heal from the surgery.
  • Exercise your mouth. Your mouth is likely to feel stiff and uncomfortable post-surgery, also because of the effects of anesthesia. Try opening and closing your mouth every few hours to prevent stiffness from increasing. Try opening your mouth gently and very slowly and keep repeating it till you feel the stiffness reducing.
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water couple of times in the day. This will help bring down the swelling and reduce pain
  • Avoid smoking. It is better to avoid smoking completely till the body is completely recovered from the removal, or at least for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Avoid biting the inside of your lip, tongue or cheek while your mouth is numb from the effect of anesthesia. This is likely to increase the pain and bleeding.
  • Continue brushing regularly, avoid flossing for the first couple of day’s post-surgery
  • Take pain medication as recommended by your dentist to keep the pain and discomfort to a minimum and to help you rest and recover faster.

These tips, though simple go a long way in ensuring a speedy recovery from your wisdom teethremoval.

Dr. Manish Rana, one of the skilled and experience dentist in Crossville at Cumberland Dentistry offers tailored Wisdom TeethRemoval treatment with its skilled and experienced team of dental hygienist who provides personalized approach to diagnose teeth with educating the patients on the Does and Don’ts for routine self-care initiatives to get a healthy oral life. To serve our patients better, we also provide cosmetic and family dentistry at the Monterey dental center. To know about our Wisdom TeethRemoval treatment, visit, Connect with us @ 250-4329 to solve your queries or to get an appointment

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